(813) 877-8853

Are You Still Playing Follow the Leader?

I’m sure you’ve played Follow the Leader at some point in your life. Probably when you were very young. The game “rules” are that everyone follows by going where the leader goes and doing what the leader does (skipping, hopping, jumping, etc.)....

What Kind of Action Are You Taking?

Before it was a movie, The Wolf of Wall Street was a book. And in that book, Jordan Belfort wrote this: “Without action, the best intentions in the world are nothing more than that: intentions.” So true, right??!! Friend, it takes action to get things done...

The Full Impact of Being of Service

In business, we often put an emphasis – and rightly so – on serving our clients, customers, and patients. After all, customer service is important if you want to retain customers and grow your business. And I don’t know many people who don’t...
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